I screwed up and did not read/understand your warnings well. I was messaging this guy about an account I was selling and I got an email I thought was from you guys. Later I went back and read closer that you don't sent emails. So I'm the *****. I know you can't do anything about it, but this is the guy that stole it from me. phantomscore Thought you might like to know he's a scammer
in the start somebody scammed me too ... I just requested from steam support to retrieve my hijacked account and after few days i got the account clean without any issues.. you should try to communicate the company (that your account belogs to). give them all the info you know , maybe you will get the account back! Hope I helped you! .
I contacted the gaming company that very day and they are working to help me. I supplied all of the information required to prove it was my account, including a copy of every single purchase made showing my information as account holder during purchase. They are generally slow in response, but they did respond to request the aforementioned information, so it looks promising. I'll update if it goes well.
Would be nice to know step by step what you did to get your account back so we can send a copy and paste to others if they experience the same issue.
I have not got it back yet...as they are still in the verification process, but if I do, I will gladly update with what I did in order to get it back.
Thank you! Just want to create a guide to help the community so if it happens again in the future, at least we can help.
This is helpful when you are the original owner of the account but what happens when it's a purchased account and the seller has all the original info proving to be the owner. The game developers of course can't do anything if you can't prove you're the owner. In my case I did ask the seller for proof of ownership but of course he gave me false info. I'm learning from my mistakes but still seems they are always one step ahead. I'm just hoping middleman can help me get my money back. (ref my own open dispute thread)
Update: I got my account back today. I was able to log in with original email and reset all personal data and password. It's on a 24 hour lockdown, I imagine to give me time to fix all my stuff. 20.5 hours left...lol counting down. I will just take a moment to emphasize the following: do not do any business outside of PM here on this site with middleman. If anyone wants to kik or line or Facebook. or whatever you are being scammed. There is no reason to use outside messenging service when pjs work fine here. They are very good, the scammers, at making things seem legit and building trust and faking contact misrepresenting middleman. If it's not a PM from middleman via this site I would say it is 100% scam. Learn from my mistake. My account is no longer for sale...lol. Decided to keep it. Hopefully anyone reading this can use it to keep them safe.
That is a completely different scenario than mine so I wouldn't know how to answer. It's tough when dealing with purchased accounts due to lack of "evidence" proving its yours. I too wondered what would keep a person from selling an account...then reporting it stolen and then giving them I for and getting the account back and then you're out money and no new account. Too much room for scams for my liking which is why I just decided to keep my account. Good luck
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response Hello, if someone has scammed/frauded you, please open a dispute form (takes 2 minutes) using the link below. Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Disputes - Active | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Parrow76 Re: #10[/trigger]
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response Hello, if someone has scammed/frauded you, please open a dispute form (takes 2 minutes) using the link below. Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Disputes - Active | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Angelo Messi Re: #12[/trigger]
I first submitted a ticket stating my account was stolen. This is important as it is against the rules to buy/sale/trade, so they would be less inclined to help knowing you broke the rules. They replied and asks that I submit a list of info they requested, of which was screenshots of my first and last purchase. I did so They then replied that I needed to send in screenshots of all of my purchases. I contacted iTunes support and they emailed me jpg' of all of my purchases. Unfortunately their upload only holds 3 images per ticket. I had 126 invoices. So I made 4 very large image compilations of all of the invoices and submitted them in 2 different tickets. They replied stating that they now have all of the required documentation and they would forward the info to the developers to make a decision on wether or not they would reset the email back to my original email on the account. If I did not hear back in 72 hours, to submit a ticket. Today was the third day and just for shits and giggles I tried to log in with my email to my hive account. It didn't work. So I tried to reset password using my original email and it worked. I was overcome with excitement. Before it didn't recognize my email, only the scammers. So I reset my password and logged in, then reset all the data back to my personal info that the scammer changed. I then tried to log into the game and it said "restricted for advertising 24 hours" it's now down to 20 hours so the clock is ticking down. Yay. I'm assuming the lock serves two purposes. 1 to smack my pecker and say "don't do this love you again man" and 2 to give me a day to reset all of my information. I submitted a ticket saying thank you etc. etc. and informed them that I have reset all the data back to me and I was good to go. I have not heard anything back. Hopefully that is the info you were looking for, I don't think I left anything out. One thing I will add is that hive is not quick to respond. So you have to be patient. All tickets took at a minimum of a day to be responded to. I was apologetic, polite, and patient, in the end I think that is one reason they helped me. The other reason being all those invoices I submitted...they totaled a tad over 2400 bucks. I spend a lot of money on that game, lol. I guess it helps to be a paying sucker...I mean customer.
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response Hello, if someone has scammed/frauded you, please open a dispute form (takes 2 minutes) using the link below. Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Disputes - Active | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Parrow76 Re: #13[/trigger]
Best thing to do here is to first ask if he's the real owner of the account you are buying, if not then ask him if he still has contact with the person he bought the account from. I'm aware that many SW accounts have already been resold many times and from that its very hard to track who the real owner was. The accounts that im selling here were also just bought by me from another resellers but I do have a way to secure an account and I tell them to my buyers so that they can fully secure it too. :]
Note. In that long reply to admin I didn't clarify that first sentence. I just reported the account as stolen. They never asked how and I never offered up anymore info than that. I know of people being told "sorry Charlie" with deals gone bad. So if this happens to you just report it stolen. Don't say # or tell them you tried to trade or buy or sell. Just report it stolen. And after all you're not lying...I didn't lie...my account was stolen. I just didn't tell them how it got stolen. ;-)