to be honest ive had this account for to long im willing to sell it for 30$ not # ! my discord username is '@unaffecting' to buy i only take cashapp btw ! i have 2 verified discord bots 1 of them in 200 guilds and the other in 100 guilds dm if interested (REAL SERVERS AND REAL PEOPLE SINCE THERE ORGANIC GROWTH) ill take offers on the verified bots. roblox '@boltfrl' ill take offers ! has korblox and gold clockwork headphones BTW THE HEADLESS ISNT REAL ON MY ACCOUNT !! ( im also willing to trade for headless) if you are interested in genshin add me for images and info on the accs i have 5 BTW PLEASE NO MORE TIME WASTE thanks for reading everything (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ extra things im selling below just send offers 3c soundcloud acc with real plays somewhat botted offer botted but nondrop ig acc '@6514' on twitch ive only sold 2 things btw # #/v6ss # .