Sold BA global 85 limited 19/20 all raid platinum 57k pyrox 112 student | MIKU

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zext, 12/1/23.

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  1. zext

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    End game account blue archive played until sold!!

    raid definitely has platinum in the top 10k

    This account is very well maintained, the account focuses on raids, for PvP rank 200-400 if the pvp is reset it can be pushed up to a 2 digit rank

    some raid insane can wanpan and ez all ivent

    Login email,

    Nexon account has not been linked

    $350 no negotiate

    paypal / DANA

    57k pyrox + 4x ticket 10 multi and 29 single pull

    There are still many achievements and challenges that have not been completed so there are still many places to look for additional pyrox

    lots of items and equipment

    for those of you who are confused about why mika is still B3 because at that time my eligma ran out for saori UE50

    For more detailed questions, you can contact me on WhatsApp and facebook. Messenger

    WA ; 083170646961

    facebook. ; iyas el-fatih az-zaky (profile picture saori)

    screenshoot detail account you cant contact me on discord Zextt#0086 ID 925069916313354301
    #1 zext, 12/1/23
    Last edited: 12/1/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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