Selling my account because I have become bored of playing and struggling to find the time. The account is on a peaceful server with a clan of 100 of which all are active members who compete in FF and SvS. Account is the highest power on the server. The account has partners which can easily reach rank 1 in ranked if you are willing to spend the 250k gems to get there. Patterns have been done by a partner expert. There are 37 6* partners and 30 are 3* awakened with 90% of them with +15 patterns. All shield artefacts are 4* and level 25, the horns are half completed to max star level. I can’t begin to stress enough how amazing these partners are and without giving my identity away I have had over 30 people pay me money to do their partners for them. Green prince Blue prince Blue cha cha Blue Valor X2 RNK All 3 colonels And so on are all maxed. Also includes triple GOE and BNK of which half are maxed skilled. The account has even troop numbers across all tiers and are as followed: 720k T5, 420k T4, 200k T3, 200k T2 and 200k T1 for a total of 5.1m troops. Ragehorn and Tyrant are maxed (152 more shards for Tyrant 7*)