Selling  Android and iOS  Base Level 25  High End B25 500millions power,T9/T10 and 25 season heros maxed an 2 BB sets

Discussion in 'Last Shelter Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Jaampl, 6/21/21.

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  1. Jaampl

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    building power:2911576 millions
    tech power:11212396(98% city defense and 24% CE all others done)
    hero power:13067405

    X heros:
    Heavens Redemption maxed
    Valkyrie maxed
    Scarlet Siren missind 7th
    Lone Wolf missing 7th
    Organic missing 7 and 8
    Canoness missing 7 and 8
    Prophet,Wrath,Rose Noir,Koschei,Death Rider,Iron Sentinel and Crusher missing 6,7 and 8

    S Heros:
    Caeser maxed
    Countdown maxed
    Farseer maxed
    Tech Priestess maxed
    Venom Walker maxed
    Panther maxed
    Anastasia maxed
    Captain Ivanov maxed
    Hummingbird maxed
    Wings of Liberty missing 6,7 and 8
    Viscount missing 6,7 and 8

    Station Heros:
    Marketeer missing 4,5 and 6
    Medic missing 4,5 and 6
    Drill Master missing 4,5 and 6
    Mechanic missing 4,5 and 6

    Esquire missing4,5 and 6
    Oil Tycoon missing 4,5 and 6
    Pioneer missing 4,5 and 6

    Resistance Leader


    Vip shop level 3 unlocked
    2 Phantom gold sets full
    1 dreadnaught gold set full
    367 golden tickets(still saving)+ 1 s ticket
    1380 tokens
    +290k courage
    +419k chips
    +240k red cores
    +643k blue cores
    +210k gene fragments
    170 batteries
    90 wrenchs
    75 25% march acceleration
    21 50% march acelleration
    10 march recalls
    800 polymer crystals
    700 training tags
    7 dd/eden resets
    260 clash of zones cards
    42 honor bonus cards
    1422 teleports
    418 shields
    2 profile frame permanent
    1 profile frame temporary(30 days)
    2 apcs skins(harvester 5% gathering speed and blue flame 5% speed)
    2 base skins temporary
    2 resources bundles(1 80 millions and 1 150 millions)
    6.6 g`s food
    3.6 g`s oil
    3,4 g`s wood
    800 millions iron
    1.3 g`s money
    dd/eden PLAYABLE level 85
    with EMAIL!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    building power:3582160 millions
    tech power:15482376 millions(66% CE(56points)
    hero power:25124975 millions

    X heros:

    Heavens Redemption maxed
    Valkyrie maxed
    Scarlet Siren mAXED
    Scorpion maxed
    The Huntress maxed
    Retrogader maxed
    Rose Noir maxed
    Flare maxed
    Death Rider maxed
    Iron Sentinel maxed
    Crusher maxed
    Glutton maxed
    Shadow maxed
    Fortuneteller maxed
    Organic maxed
    Wrath missing 7
    Lone Wolf missing 7th
    Canoness missing 7 and 8
    Sven missing 7
    Koschei missing 6,7 and 8
    Hunk missing 6,7 and 8
    Tuner missing 7 and 8
    Collector missing 6,7 and 8
    Dawn missing 6,7 and 8
    Lust missing 6,7 and 8
    Azure missing 7...6 at lv4,8 at lv 2
    Preddator missing 6,7 and 8
    Diver missing 6,7 and 8
    Glowblade missing 6,7 and 8

    S Heros:
    Caeser maxed
    Countdown maxed
    Farseer maxed
    Tech Priestess maxed
    Venom Walker maxed
    Panther maxed
    Anastasia maxed
    Captain Ivanov maxed
    Hummingbird maxed
    Vanguard maxed
    Wings of Liberty missing 6,7 and 8
    Viscount missing 7 and 8
    DeusEx machina missing 6,7 and 8
    12 EXTRA X MEDALS AND 9 EXTRA S MEDALS for particle reconstruction

    Station Heros:
    Marketeer missing 5 and 6
    Medic missing 5 and 6
    Drill Master missing 4,5
    Mechanic missing 4,5
    Master Marksman missing 4,5 and 6

    Esquire missing 5 and 6
    Oil Tycoon missing 5
    Pioneer missing 4,5 and 6
    Carpenter missing 4,5 and 6
    Mechanic maxed

    Resistance Leader
    The Avenger
    The Patriot (fighters)
    The Taskmaster (shooters)
    Chrome (vehicles)
    Foreman maxed

    Head Nurse

    Vip shop level 3 unlocked
    2 bane blade sets full
    2 Phantom gold sets full
    2 dreadnaught gold set full
    820 golden tickets
    6250 tokens
    200k DD coins
    +200k courage medals
    +900k chips
    +460k red cores
    +243k blue cores
    170 batteries
    90 wrenchs
    75 25% march acceleration
    21 50% march acelleration
    17 march recalls
    2010 polymer crystals
    1200 training tags
    9 dd/eden resets
    800 clash of zones cards
    70 honor bonus cards
    1900 teleports
    890 shields
    +18k 5 minutes research speedups
    +11k 1 hour research speedups
    hundreds of healing/construction speedups
    2 profile frame permanent
    1 profile frame temporary(30 days)
    4 apcs skins(harvester 5% gathering speed ,armor maintenance platform 5% might,spearhead +5% might DD and blue flame 5% speed)
    5 base skins temporary
    8 resources bundles(1 50 millions,1 80 millions,1 of 100millions and 1 150 millions)
    6.6 g`s food
    6.6 g`s oil
    6,4 g`s wood
    2 g´s iron
    3.3 g`s money
    dd/eden PLAYABLE level 121
    with EMAIL
    #2 Jaampl, 7/11/21
    Last edited: 11/13/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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