Sold B/S/T

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MrsEunn, 2/12/19.

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  1. MrsEunn

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    Hihi o/ , there are some things i’m selling and buying~ If you’re interested or selling at all please pm on discord!
    ❀ 七つの指輪 ♡#8406



    - RF 5/5 (Maybe add Dance Petals, and Arm Acc)

    - Velder Academy 6/6

    - Combat Class 6/6 + Mas (Black & White)

    - Snow Foxy Custard 7/6

    - Street Star (Pink Vers) 6/6


    - WDS Horns (Hangered)

    - Padded Hedgehog 2/2 (Suit + Earmuffs) -Hangered-


    - Cottontail 6/7 (No Hair) -Pre Sealed-



    - Glave’s 13 Costume...
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