I am looking for any character over 120+ and with really good equipment, and you should be able to show me in game the character to prove that it is your character. thank you. I have a lvl 13x champ. Good equips too. But my subscription is expired so I havent logged in for a long time. Still looking for a awesome account to buy, that is on NA Rose, i want to buy any 120+ toons with really nice gear that I can see in game first. Thanks. namja82 added 1287 Minutes and 30 Seconds later... So no one has a 100+ NARose account for sale, that they can show me in game? I guess I am out of luck >. I have a 151 scout with nether [5/6/7] ssb 5, don't want money tho, i'm looking to trade for a ruff-rose cleric 120+ I also have a 160 mage ( no gear tho)