I need a character in Mercury Cabal NA, need to be lvl 125-131, any class. Looking for a high honor rank like rank 7+ (rank 8 would be great) Ill trade items/alz in cabal NA mercury or PM me here to discuss $USD. Thx i have a wa lvl 122 with normal stuff pm me if you are ineterested still looking for a honor rank 8 n lvl 125-130 characater in Cabal NA mercury server! My warrior is honor grade 6 - nearly 50% , lvl 125. i have a level 120 blader going for $40 with good stats I have a 146 FA its naked but it shonor is 7 Msn: PlayerUp.com/forum/virt...rc-server.html my highest offer so far is $100 will sell asap for 200