hihi o// , I’m looking for a ton of things for eve and access~ if you’re S> please stop by<3 tyty (Anything from * to ~ *** is how much I want it.) Please contact me on discord: ❀ Ry♡#8406 - AA Hair *** - Elternal Wedding Full (Accessories are okay too) ** - Blossom Bird 5/5 + Wep (Buying both Colours) * - AD 5/5 ** - Velder Private Academy Shoes *** - RB 3/5 (Hair to #) * - AP 3/5 (Hair to #) * - Magic Wardrobe Ticket Shoe (Event) *** - Other Rare Item malls * - Cat is the Hat - Black... https://www.playerup.com/styles/hide2.png