Selling  Original Owner (Yes)  1-72 Hours Azure Cloud 200 credits + Github Copilot 1 month trial (CONTACT ME BEFORE OF ANY ORDER))

Discussion in 'Microsoft Azure Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Minjie, 5/9/23.

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  1. Minjie

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    - 2 Microsoft Products with same credentials: Azure Cloud 200 credits + Github Copilot 1 month trial
    - Microsoft Azure Cloud Account with 200 credits, 30 days to use; there wil be many tools to access.
    - Github Copilot Account comes with 1 month trial use, fully activated and ready to use.
    - Please pay attention to any advice we will provide about logging in (eg, geolocation, vpn etc).
    - Accounts will have the same email and passwords. activated and unlocked for you on request.
    - We will provide precise screenshots documenting the functionality of accounts at the time of delivery.
    - We are not responsible for interruption or suspensions once the accounts are delivered.
    - You will change email after 24 hours since the delivery, whereas the password will be changed immediately.
    - Any issue with logging in must be documented with screenshot and in this case we will solve or replace.
    - Once you change the password and email, adding mfa if applicable, you agree that the ORDER IS COMPLETED.
    - As soon as the order is completed according to the terms above, you agree to click the "CONFIRM" button.
    - By ordering, you agree that you will not accuse us of any incidents during your successive account usage.
    - You agree that we do not replace nor refund orders for this kind of product - you will not dispute later.
    - Delivery within 72 hours after the payment, but we can be much faster than that.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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