Prices: 1.100k experience for 3.5$. You definitely need an active premium account OR 3-4 rank vehicle with premium status. At least one of the two. 2. 100k experience for 2.5$. If you have premium vehicle AND premium account at the same time. Premium vehicle should not have research penalty for target plane. For example, a rank 4 aircraft requires ≈50-80k experience to upgrade. Deadlines: I will complete order for 400k experience in 2-5 days. Most likely in 1-2 days. Other: 1. I guarantee that your silver balance after grinding will not decrease. 2. If your premium plane / plane with a talisman unplayable, I might refuse to accept order. Clarify what kind of aircraft you have in your hangar before you send money. For example, I'm not grinding in Hs.129, even if you have talisman on it. I will answer any questions under this topic or in discord NotRenamed#7932