Email: [email protected] I also have a small YouTube channel where you can watch the account in action: [WR] Pilot - YouTube Hangar: Kid Lv.4 •Vengeance Lv. 2 •Retaliator Lv. 1 •Retaliator Lv. 1 Ares Lv.7 •Orkan Lv. 10 •Orkan Lv. 10 •Pinata Lv. 5 •Blaze Lv.5 Nemesis Lv.8 •Orkan Lv. 8 •Orkan Lv.8 Spectre Lv. 7 •Taran Lv.8 •Taran Lv.8 •Taran Lv.8 •Taran Lv.8 Lancelot Lv. 9 •Corona Lv. 7 •Corona Lv. 6 •Glory Lv. 4 Stock: Bots: Haechi Lv. 7 Gareth Lv. 9 Gepards Destriers Boa Vityaz Jesse Patton Etc. Weapons: Calamity Lv.5 Exodus Lv.7 Taran Tulumbases Etc. Resources: 3.35 Million Silver 623 Gold 25 Platinum Components: 4300 Fenrir components 500 Atomizer components Etc. Have a nice day.