Battlefield 3 (All DLC's with bought weapon packs for each class) Battlefield 4 (No DLC's) Dejeweled 3 Crusader: No Remorse Dragon Age: Origins FIFA 15 (Demo) FIFA WORLD Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning (Origin Game Time) (48 Hours) Plants Vs. Zombies: Game of the Year Edition SimCity 2000: Special Edition Titanfall (Origin Game Time) (48 Hours) Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger Spent 150 euros. Selling it for 50 euros. I'm not going first. *Only Paypal Photo's: i.imgur/t6Alyj8.jpg (Origin) i.imgur/2Yqv2i4.png (Battlefield 3) i.imgur/y9Im2wn.png (Battlefield 3 DLC's) i.imgur/pjwad0w.png (Battlefield 3 Weapon Pack) i.imgur/hGEArWK.png (Battlefield 4) Contact me: facebook/Tamerlan.Batchaev