Characters: Slv 5 Great Sword Well-geared for PVE Eidolons for PVE ready Get a head start if you're new player/old player Character Introduction General All gears and weapons full +30 (5 stars) Slv1 enchanted DMG card Weapons Bonus DMG% 139 Gear Bonus DEF% 140 Duelist Level : SLv5 PVE Gear: Eternia's Time Travel Hat +30(5 stars) with enchanted slv1 DMG card 4% DMG and 8% DMG against dark, Darkness Eterna's Omnipotent Robe+30(5 stars) with enchanted slv1 DMG card and gem with 4% DMG and 8% DMG against dark, Agni's Vengeful Shadow +30 with enchantment Slv1 DMG card, Eternia's destiny Girdle +30 (5 stars) with enchanted Slv1 DMG Card and Gem with 4% DMG and 8% DMG against dark, Eternia's Chrono Armband (5star) with enchanted Slv1 DMG card and Gem with 4% DMG and 8% DMG against dark, Eternia's memory Cloth Boots +30 (5 stars) with enchanted Slv1 DMG Card and Gem with 4% DMG and 8% DMG against dark PVE Weapons: Lighting Proverbs missionary +30 (5 Stars) with enchanted DMG card and Lava Gem with 5% Detail DMG and DMG. Eidolons: 50/103 most of them being 3 to 4 stars with eidolon wish ready Max additional backpack ( can transfer to other character as well) PVE costume: best looking it has the stats needed for PVE. As well with 17k AP in account. For Additional Information