Due to all the scamming that has recently hit tera, I just threw this together on my phone he at work Payment methods PayPal: Two types of payments in PayPal.. Goods Gift Goods is NEVER. ok. I have paid for an account from a friend to see as goods and PayPal literally called me to see if I wanted my money back. I didn't even do anything for them to do that. Moneygram: See western union Western union: Don't use it. They can fake authentication numbers and cancel payment after screenshots. Scammer Characteristics Alright... some things to watch out for.. They want the sale over fast They offer a price that's too good to be true Always mention you want to use a even if you don't plan to, see their reaction They have no playerup account or one with no feedback I have had a few successful transactions with people that lack feedback but I was crazy cautious and they did everything first as gift Feel free to leave your own comments below, keep it bumped please