ESO Account info: PC-NA server 1157 Champion Points. Not linked with steam, 700k gold , 700k alliance points, 133k telvar stones , and 23 transmutation geodes ( ) This account has everything you could ever want to play this game with , extremely loaded house with mundus stones, iron atronarch dummies , a transmutation station and more, lots of golden materials, tons of collectibles , and a lots of gold top tier end game armor sets and weapons. The center piece of this account is my Templar who is a grand overlord , master crafter with all crafting styles learned up until the release of the elyswer chapter, lots of rare titles including Tick Tock Tormentor , Gryphon Heart, Unchained, Immortal Redeemer and over 35k achievement points. I'll go into more detail further down in the post about this character! Expansions and DLCs: Morrowind Chapter, Summerset Chapter, Elyswer Chapter, Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Clockwork City, and Murkmire Collectibles: Over 50 mounts ! 6 Radiant Apex mounts; Dragonscale Frost Senche, Dragon scale storm wolf, green grat ghost cat, phantom ice wolf, psjicc spectral steed, shadow rider senche See link: 47 Legendary mounts! See link: 100 costumes ! Including the Emperors Regalia ! See link: 20 skins , including raid skins such as Sanctified Silver, Fabrication Sheath, Zmaja's Shadow , Dromathra and Sunspire Ice Fire. See link: Various other cosmetic items including , 14 personalities , 5 polymorphs, 70 noncombat pets, along with other things like hairstyles, face markings, hats and more ! Banker , Merchant , and Fence Assistants! Houses: The pride and joy of my account is the house I worked on over the course of a few years, The Grand Topal Hideaway house. Which includes things like all mundus stones in house, an inhouse transmutation station, all profession crafting stations, 3 Iron atronarch raid target dummies , and other various dummies. See link for photos: Along with this house I have The Ebonheart Chateau , Daggerfall Overlook, Serenity Falls Estate , Grand Psijic Villa and Hall of the lunar champion. Aswell a lot of smaller houses ! See link: Materials: 4 Chromium plating, 69 dreugh wax, 42 kuta, 32 perfect roe, 29 rosin, 38 tempering alloys along with lots of other crafting materials! See link for photos: Gear: Monster sets : Golden Balorgh, Bloodspawn, Bogdan, Shadowrend, Earthgore , Sentinel , Domihaus, Grothdarr, Selenes, Troll king, Symphony of Blades, Thorvokun, Valykn Skoria , Velidreth, Zaan, Slimecraw, Pirate skeleton aswell as all the other ones in purple! See link for photos: Pvp Sets: Golden Wizards Riposte, Transmutation ( jewelry and weapons of many traits) , Hundings, Bright throats (jewelry weapons and armor), Clever Alchemist (weapons armor and jewelry) , Seducer ,Vicious death (weapons jewelry and armor) , Impregnable Armor , and others. Pve setups will be listed with character info ! I have very fleshed out setups for Pve healing, tanking, and both forms of dps stamina and magicka ! Jewelry: Tons of golden jewelry for everything you could need. See link for photos: Master , Maelstrom , Black rose and Asylum weapons ! See link for photos: All weapons on the account See link for photos: All gold gear images : Characters Main Character Breton Templar: Grand Overlord in Pvp (5 star general) , Former Emperor. See link for photos: Master Crafter with all motifs learned that were released up and into the Elyswer Expansion, including the rare Frost Caster, Grim Harlequin and Tsaeci ! All traits learned and skill lines maxed 35k Achievement points with 95% of the dyes in the game unlocked including Contraband Violet ! See link for photos: Lots of titles! Including rare flawless raid titles such as Immortal Redeemer , Tick Tock Tormentor, Gryphon Heart , The Unchained and more ! See link for photos: Maxed out 10 outfit slots ! 425 skills points See link for photo: 60/60/60 Mount leveling Pve Gear: Perfected Olorime, Mending , Infallible Aether, Hircine, Worm, Spell Power cure, Jorvulds Guidance , and more ! Breton Necromancer: 112 skill points, max mount traits, 50 alchemy Breton Sorcerer- 147 skill poiunts , max mounts traits. 50 alchemy, clothing , blacksmithing and woodworking skill lines Breton Warden- 114 skill points, max mount traits, max alchemy, clothing, black smithing and woodworking Breton Templar- 112 skill points, 60 mount speed , 30 stamina, max alchemy Breton Nightblade- 136 skill points, max mount traits, max alchemy, woodworking, clothing and blacksmithing Gear: Master Architect, False God, Sioria , Moondacner, Spell Strategist , and more Wood elf Nightblade- 108 skill points, max mount traits , max alchemy Gear: Perfected Relequen, War Machine, Lokkestiz, Morag tong, and more. Imperial Dragonknight- 107 skill points , max mount traits, max alchemy Gear: Alkosh, Ebon, Powerful Assault, Lunar Bastion, Lokkestiz, Galenwe, Leeching, Livewire, Plague Doctor, Stonekeeper, and more. Redguard Warden- 86 skill points, 60 mount speed, 30 stamina Redguard Dragonknight- 75 skill points, max mount traits Dark Elf Dragonknight- Level 40, max mount traits