Selling  1-9 Games Assassins Creed Valhalla XBOX Offline Play (READ DESCRIPTION )

Discussion in 'Xbox Live Accounts For Sale - Buy Sell XBOX Account' started by Andy Susanto, 4/6/21.

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  1. Andy Susanto

    Andy Susanto
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    Get the game license permission in the form of an account of Assassins Creed Valhalla for XBOX One & XBOX Series X/S.

    Terms, Rules & Conditions:
    By buying this product, you agree that you will:
    1. Not Change any of the account credentials, etc(You cannot set the xbox account that I've given you as "Home Console/Account"). Account is given only for the game license for you to play on YOUR OWN ACCOUNT!
    *Don't even try to login to Microsoft account, you can only login to your XBOX console! Don't even try to put credit cards or buy anything from the account i've given you!
    2. Play the game from your own account, and play the game OFFLINE. If you try to play the game ONLINE, you risk of getting Kicked out from the game session. OFFLINE play is 100% guaranteed to work, no kickouts, no hassle. (Instructions for OFFLINE play will be given after purchase, along with the ONLINE method trick).
    *Any of the complaints of getting kicked out while playing ONLINE mode will not be accepted, and any refunds will not be accepted.
    3. Contact seller if you have ANY PROBLEMS! Therefore, ANY REFUNDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED!
    *After sales service will always be supported, I will always be here, contact me for an easier way to contact me throughout seller's life span.
    4. Account credentials lasts forever on your current Console! Transferring account credential to another console is NOT ACCEPTED, therefore, this account credential is only to be placed ONCE to your own console. Deleting the account credential on your own console and asking for another credential login is simply NOT ACCEPTED.

    You need to agree with the Terms, Rules & Conditions that are all stated above before buying, and therefore, by agreeing, you ACCEPT that if you BREAK THE RULES, then the following will happen:
    1. All of your purchased accounts from me with all the game license access will be taken from you, hence, you no longer then access all your purchased products.
    2. You will be blocked from my customer list and therefore cannot make any more purchase from me.

    At the end of the day, this product you buy is very much worth it for only such a price, following all the Rules is just so simple. If then you are very satisfied with your purchase, and decided to give my store a review, and a rating, then you will be granted a 10% # for your next XBOX game purchase from my store.

    I deeply say thank you for being a loyal customer, or if you haven't buy anything from my store, come and give it a try. You won't regret it. It's simple. Follow the rules, play without problems. You get such a golden product with a very cheap price, with future discounts on the way !

    *Despite no refunds policy from the seller, seller offers new first time buyers to try out what and how this system looks like, so seller gave first time buyer a 7 day return policy for first time buyers so if he/she didn't like how it works ,etc, seller will offer full refund to the buyer.
    *After purchasing the purchased account with the game inside the account, you simply need seller's access permission to your XBOX until it is granted of the permission.
    That is why, you need to CONTACT SELLER first BEFORE BUYING!
    The seller and buyer will then make an appointment when they are both going to be online.

    Update(Now in order to play offline without problems), do the following:
    OFFLINE Method(Working method):
    1. Search google and download and install software "MyPublicWifi":
    2. in MyPublicWifi, create a hotspot.
    3. After you created a hotspot, it should appear on your XBOX console network connection list, choose "MyPublicWifi", or whatever you named it in the software.
    4.Now as usual, go to purchased account, switch to your account, play from your account. If there is the "play here instead" click it , keep pressing/clicking it until you go to main menu where you've signed in as your profile in the game.
    5. Immediately go to the "MyPublicWifi" software in your computer and go to "Security & Bandwith" settings, and then you click "Block Internet Access".

    ONLINE Method(Not Recommended!):

    Done, enjoy playing without fear of getting kicked out.

    Before exiting the game, make sure you uncheck "block internet access" on my public wifi to ensure cloud saves on your console.

    Keep in mind that this is shared account. Although playing offline with above method will be no kick out, at first, it might be hard to get into the main menu screen to get signed in on your profile in that game. But after that you used this method, it will work like charm.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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