[ASIA SERVER] Raid Build $100 - Pekanbaru SERVER ASIA IGN : Rurippai P.LVL 54 MASTERY MAX LV. 110 FORMATION DEFENSE & BALANCE MAX list equipments and heroes: Rurippai - Album on Imgur Raid Lv.99 damage 1, 4m++ 1 x Run with auto Castle Rush Normal score 1,5-3m++ depends on what cr Castle Rush Easy (Rachel & Jave) score above 35m Celestial Tower Floor 121 Arena 3000+ (im not really into arena) Ruby 1.600+ (AND KEEP RAISING) Topaz 95 KEYS 1.000+ (UPDATED) Seven Knights : Eileene lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Dellons lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Spike lv.32+5 GOLD Rachel lv.30+5 GOLD Rudy *6 lv.30+COSTUME Four Lords : Ace lv.34+5 GOLD+COSTUME Wukong lv.34+5 GOLD+COSTUME Lubu lv.30+5 GOLD+COSTUME Rin lv.30+5 Silver Hero : Jupy lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Espada lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Lina lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Sieg lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Shane lv.40+5 GOLD+COSTUME Bai Jiao lv.40+5 GOLD Karon lv.40+5 GOLD Black Rose lv.40+5 GOLD Lee Jung lv.40+5 GOLD Da Qiao lv.40+5 GOLD Guan Yu lv.36 Alice lv.34 Asura lv.36+5 GOLD Noho lv.38 *6 heroes : Pascal Noel Jake GOLD Xiao Bai Long May Karin Lucy many elements please visit ign Rurippai or simply click link imgur above The email for this account is not my primary mail, it's only for this account, and it has it's own Facebook. (dummy Facebook.) you can change all the data and password if you buy it, i will provide all info and data you need, and guide you till complete any question? more pictures? (english or indonesian only) Whatsapp : +62 852 6566 4924 Line ID : hiruga PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL NO ID FIRST! NO SCAM, NO BARTER. if you serious, contact me note : for indonesian buyer, we can use local bank transfer or via itemku