IGN: xLoWx Heroes details: Special heroes: Lords: Ace 40 (with guardian ring) Wukong 40 (+3 extra) Lubu 40 Rin 38 Teo 30 Karma 30 7K: Rudy 38 Jave 38 Kris 38 Spike 38 Dellon 38 Eileene 32 Rachel 32 Normal lvl 40 heroes: Giparang Yushin Baijiao Leejung Xiao Feng Yuan Guanyu Rei Lina Yuri Alice Blackrose MingMing Sieg Shane Nia Espada May Karin Evan Velika Lucy Karon Jupy Bidam lvl 38: Asura lvl 36: Pascal, Noho etc Lots of lvl 36 and below, including duplicates of those already lvl 40 - for topaz farming Lots of *5 elements (like 5 or more for each elements - except water) Raid score: ~1.2-1.5 mil on auto lvl 99 dragon Arena: at least 4600 (sometimes 4900+) ToA - rank 44 last season Maybox buff currently on Current topaz: 600+ Note: Price #, and can meetup if you are located in Singapore. Thanks