IGN : VinzRyto Lvl : 158 Server : Asia Total Login : 1069 th days (2 uw, ut and artifact selector at 1095th days) Total owned costume :71 Total owned heroes : 85 (T5 hero 61) Resources: 1,2 Billion gold, 24k rubies, 118 lua token, 1710 millage Inventory slot up to 744 List hero perfect build: Laudia: 5*UW, 4*UT3, Adv2 +19 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full beast of chaos gears, 1M atk Veronica : 5*UW, 4*UT3, Adv2 +13 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears, Esker : 5*UW, 4*UT3, Adv1 +15 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full beast of chaos gears ,640k atk Shea : 5*UW, 3*UT2, Adv1 +5 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears, , 1k cc resist, 2,2k aspd, 8 lines mp recovery/sec Oddy : 5*UW, 3*UT4, Adv0 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears Lavril : 5*UW, 4*UT2, Adv0 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears, 613 Crit damage Annette : 4*UW, 2*UT3, Adv0 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears with high aspd and crit rate Aselica : 5*UW, 3*UT3, Adv0 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears, up to 200k pdeff with high pblock Miriane : 4*UW, 0*UT3, Adv0 SW, 80 TPs, optimal full lava gears Priscilla : 4*UW, 1*UT2, Adv0 SW, 80 TPs, optimal dark legion gears Kara : 5*UW, 5*UT2, 3*UT1, 3*UT3 95 TPs, half full beast of chaos gears Lewisia : 5*UW, 5*UT2, 95 TPs, half full beast of chaos gears Crisha : 5*UW, 0*UT2, 95 TPs, half full beast of chaos gears Yuria : 5*UW, 0*UT2, 80 TPs, half full beast of chaos gears Pansirone : 5*UW, 0*UT2, 95 TPs, full hero suppression gears Viska : 4*UW, 0*UT2, 80 TPs, half beast of chaos gears Glenwys: 3*UW, 2*UT4, 80 TPs, optimal full dark legion gears Zafir : 3*UW, 0*UT2, Adv1 SW, 80 TPs Items on inventory: Gear and artifacts: a bunch of beast chaos gears, some uw and ut, 4* (blessing of earth, abyssal crown, golden apple and soul spring water), 3*(book of the mad, brazier,morph ring, pumpkin-evil spirit, golden mask, tarrot card, orb of contract, talisman of resistance and ancient pocket watch, fantastic hybrid animal) Growth: 8 TP coins, 2 soulstones (erze,yanne,shamilla), and 1 soulstone for (roi,lakrak,epis,miruru,clause,dimael,reina,demia,baudoin,cass, crow, lavril, miri, cecilia, naila, laudia and kibera), 36 infinity stones and lots essence material and some ethers Consumable: 1 soulstone selector ticket, 1 mechanic soulstone selector, 1000 sw fragment selector ticket, 1500 sw fragment selector ticket trial of the sky, 900 sw fragment selector ticket trial of the flow, 3 mask selector, xanadus artifact selector, some costume and accessory tickets, lots gear selector tickets and boxes reward from dragon raid and field raid, reserved 44158 concentrated exp potions to level up some heroes to lv 100 in the upcoming update Notes:can get 1 sw selector upon completing trial of god king achievement, rightnow at 9/10, just clear trial of the earth stage 1 and all good Runes and others: lots ancient and velkazar runes, 95 circle of friendship, some uw, ut and artifact fragments, 780 mechanic sw fragments Performance: Can deals top score on world boss 1 approx (9-10 T) with right timing GC1 tyrfast can deal score up to 6,5T per entry (main dealer laudia) GC3 velkazaar can deal score up to 11T per entry (main dealer esker) Can reach Master V easily on pvp both league of victory and league of honor Clear Trial of the sky and flow stage 7 Clear eclipse until stage 45 Clear almost all labyrinth content Clear tower of challenge level 80 Dispath with 100% win rate on dragon raids and field raids Can clear most challenge raid content up to hell mode Contact : https://www.Facebook..com/fahreza.rizki.3