Sold Asia - Girls mainly - Huge resources - Play for your favor

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by moonfall007, 12/9/21.

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  1. moonfall007

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    Hi Friends,

    I came back with a huge resource and high end account, please quick check as below:

    - 200+ ticket for UW + UT
    - 20+ heroes with A2, full hero list.
    - 9,000 gold ethers
    - 10,000 red ethers
    - 15+ billion gold + 8,000 stamina bottle
    - a lot of NPC ticket, Event Artifact ticket, normal Artifact ticket, GC ticket, shahmek ticket
    - a lot of SW ticket
    - 185+ costume, mainly girl heroes

    By this account, you can play with your favorite, build any heroes and play by your way.

    Negotiate price: $400 by PayPal F&F

    Please feel free to contact me if you need more information or picture:
    - Discord: Blackmoon#0371
    - Facebook.: Phong Nguyen | Facebook. (the avatar is Loman hero in Kings Raid)
    - Line ID: 0932162308
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