$70 -Full nier team with their 5 stars weapons almost fully leveled up: 2B is fully leveled up with ultima. 9S is still lv 71, but is close for getting his Ultima. 2A still is a bit far from her Ultima, but she is fully leveled up. -Physical team: Entropy, Rosetta and Karenina A(SSS)/Liv A(SS): Entropy is fully leveled up with Ultima and sign weapon. Rosetta is fully leveled up with 5 star weapon and 1 memory away from Ultima atm. Liv A is going to be SSS in 10 days and can share memories for now with 9S, she also has a signature leveled up obviously. No skills leveled up. Karenina is not leveled up at all, but can potencially be good in this team and is already SSS. No skills leveled up. -Transcendant team: Selena and Camu Camu is half way into Ultima in terms of memories and fully leveled up. Selena still needs some memories for Ultima and is level 71 atm. Qu will one day be useful here but she still has not her weapon. Will keep playing the game focusing on finishing up these units for now, I won't gacha so the BC will only go up. There's still plenty of story chapters to complete, so many BC to get from there too. Linked to dummy google account and facebook. is still availeable.