Sold [ASIA] Full #, lvl 57 acc

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bushii, 2/8/22.

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  1. Bushii

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    Hi! I’m looking to trade my BA acc for another Asia account that has less 3* units but more pyroxene as a compromise! My discord is Bushii#6085. I respond there faster!

    Some additional details about the account:
    - usually can rank around 1500 in PvP, probably more if you can think of a better, optimal team
    - currently on stage 11-1 and 9-3 hard.
    - The account is able to clear out all the rewards for assault
    - Unlinked acc

    What I’m looking for:
    - Pyroxene pyroxene pyroxene! The more...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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