Selling  Asia  Android and iOS Asia Endgame account 4 5 npc uw

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aleistercl, 12/31/21.

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  1. Aleistercl

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    My Location:
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    Can clear ALL PVE content to the highest difficulty. (TM raids, Apo, trials, etc...)

    Account has

    - 23 5* UW (4 are npc: Loman, Valance, Dosarta, May) and a 4* cain uw

    - 25 5* UT

    - 20 A2, (15 are A2 20)

    - Tons of gold (about 6 billion from consumables chests)

    - Tons of stamina (from pots and guild shop)

    - Enough mats to instant ether lvl 20

    PVP aspects:

    Can easily get LOV challenger.

    LOH did not bother to try but probably can hit RM if you play daily

    All heroes use tm gear with meta builds.

    Have all core support units with A2 10*

    Linked with dummy gmail and Facebook. which will be provided.

    Price is $400 USD (#)

    Accepting payment via Skrill and middleman

    Contact Discord Aquanaxi#4268 if need more information
    #1 Aleistercl, 12/31/21
    Last edited: 12/31/21
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