Selling  Asia  Many Tier IX  [ASIA] 5 TX | 24 PREMIUM TANKS | 56 WR

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Skuard Mc, 5/18/23.

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  1. Skuard Mc

    Skuard Mc
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    Unverified Member

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    STATS :
    - WinRate: 56,54
    - Battles: 5,351
    - Avg Damage: 1479

    Completion Tech Tree :
    - E100
    - IS4
    - IS7
    - Sheridan (Include The ATGM)

    On Going :
    - Foch 155 (Still In AMX AC 48)

    Premium Tank:

    V: - T-25
    - PZ V/IV
    - Y5 T-34

    VI: - SU-100Y
    - AC IV Sentinel
    - Y5 Firefly
    - Type 64

    VII: - T-34-85 Rudy
    - WZ Blaze
    - SU 122 44
    - Y5 ELC BIS
    - Panther M10

    VIII: - M6A2E1 EXP
    - Lekpz M41
    - Lowe
    - T-54 Mod. 1
    - KV5
    - IS5
    - IS6
    - T-34-3
    - 112 Glacial
    - AMX CDC
    - AMX Mle. 49
    - FCM 50 T
    - O-47

    IX : - K-91

    Event Tanks : - M6 EXP
    - Y5 Series (V, VI, VII)
    - Lekpz, FCM 50T (Charm Box Event)

    Discord: TheLemon41#5088
    gmail: Contact On PlayerUp
    #1 Skuard Mc, 5/18/23
    Last edited: 5/18/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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