Arubinal s Food Refunding Service (Get Free Stuff)

Discussion in 'All Other Social Media Accounts & Services' started by Arubinal, 10/3/22.

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  1. Arubinal

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    What exactly is a food refunding service?

    The aim of this service basically gives you the ability to refund anything you order from food delivery service, with the aim to keep whatever you ordered whilst still getting a full refund from the company. The only catch is you pay us a small service fee of the amount refunded. So you can basically order hundred of dollars worth of food and only pay a fraction of the price.

    For example, say you order 100$ worth of food from UberEats, DoorDash, GrubHub, SkipTheDishes, ETC... I can easily get the company to completley refund the order and give you your money back whilst you are still able to keep your entire order. Free food!

    This sounds too good to be true! What is the catch? Surely this is some sort of scam!
    It indeed sounds to good to be true, but true it is. We only take payment once and only once your refunds has been fully confirmed in writing by the store via email.

    Okay this sounds great what are the conditions to beginning?
    We recommend contacting us first explaining what it is you want, what country you’re from and what your budget is and we will give you a free and fast consultation advising you how to go about doing it.

    Is my refund 100% guaranteed?
    This depends on the store and the state of the #, like a popular online video game for lack of a better explanation, there is a # in refunding. Stores are constantly updating their policies and changing things around to make it harder for us, this results in having different success rates for different stores, which changes throughout the year. once you contact us with the store you have in mind we will advise you on the success rate you can expect.

    Is this safe to do?
    Yes this is totally safe. All our methods keep your safety in mind. We have never had anything happen to any of our customers.

    I charge a flat fee of 30% for all food delivery services unless a personal agreement has been made.

    Any questions?
    Feel free to contact me on discord. My user is 0x.Impedium#1616.
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