Arua Rose Hebarn Zulies

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hey lads ,

    I'm quitting Arua Rose and selling all of my zulies.

    My rate is 55 USD / Bill.

    I'm not going first under any circumstances, So dont add me if you're expecting me to go first.

    I dont mind if you wanna buy 500 mill first and another 500 mill if you dont trust me .

    Zulies available :

    30 Bill

    Payment method :


    Contact detail :

    MSN : *****************************************************

    Thanks (;

    Bro , i added you on msn , come online asap pls

    k approved

    great seller . bought 5 bill and the transaction was smooth

    thumbs up bro!!!

    Come on ur msn :}

    Still got 15 Billion for sell guys.

    Hit me up.

    added you,

    Vouch for this guy. very fast and quick response.

    Thanks bro.

    baught 2b off him, legit guy.

    get on ur msn :>
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