Im Selling my 327.000.000 Account. Its very high on stats. good played and ready to fight anything. On top you will get 3 alt accounts around 20 mio power with lvl25 castles and mostly lvl 25 goldmines. Details see from the pictures below or ask via PM.
update 29.January.2020. account is still played. new commanders unlocked and all free stuff on max. Got some more Merrits. Very high stats on cav.
Update 25.3.2020 Kelvin. Jaimie. Mengo. Leila and Raymond on gold. Snd dragon lvl 30. Now its 8 Accounts. 1 Main. 5 farms with over 1.5 mio Gold per hour overall. 2 hof Buff farms at Castle lvl 17 (2.2 h execute time). All for 6999.