Sold Arknights Super Endgame Whale Account

Discussion in 'Arknights Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Paulmarrug, 11/4/24.

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  1. Paulmarrug

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    My Location:
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    Looking to sell end game arknights account.
    LVL 120

    -account is from week 1 original owner.
    -Full operator with multiple max potential operators and afew almost maxed potential operators
    -currently have 22k+ orundum and 200+ originium and 37 headhunt tickets (250+pulls)
    -Have recent new operators included R6 collab
    -Finished story mode but not story challenge mode
    -most # operators have maxed level (lv90), maxed important skills (mastery 3) and module 3
    -E2 all 6* operators and most of the # 5*,4* operators (included ones with good base skill)
    -Did not do any paradox simulation for any operators so there is ALOT of orundum to farm
    -Did not play too much of the intergrated strategies and reclamation algorithm so there is a lot of contents and rewards to claim
    -Did not do challenge mode for a lot of story stages (100+ orundum to farm/claim)
    -have enough material to do max many characters
    -5k+ headhunting parametric models (can trade for any materials in game)
    -can AFK any content of the game (not IS)
    -have most medal(included trimmed medal) missing few from rerun events
    -owns every purchasable skins for all 6* operators and a lot of skins for 5* operators too
    -own every purchasable furniture in game from day 1
    -own every purchasable icon in shop
    -almost all 6* operators and few 5* operator have maxed trust

    Price : $ 400

    for more info please contact on discord : paulmarruu
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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