Selling  Android Ark lvl 21 | 12 mil power | Top 25 | Server 1041 (5 months old account)

Discussion in 'Ark of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lupyup, 6/21/19.

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  1. Lupyup

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    This ark was the top 4 of the server, but fell to 25th after the merger 2 weeks ago (it is still one of the strongest, since this server is only 5 months old - including the previous mergers). The account has the potential to go back to being one of the top, but I'm dismayed by the game, so I do not want to invest any more.

    ◻️ ARK
    - lvl 21
    - 12 mil power
    - Main infantry
    - Time and Space War lvl 275 (6 apocalypse, 6 diablos and all necessary smaller ships for lvl 300 - just need collet more meta crystal to lvl up them)


    - Chief [ S ] (34k)
    - King [ S ] (7,5k)
    - Rock [ S ] (4k)
    - Bullet [ S ] (1,5k)
    - Stella [ A ] (6k) - 420 of 480 medals (just 1 more release to be S-class)
    - Plasma [ A ] (4k) - 120 of 480 medals
    - Elle X Ayr [ A ] (2k)
    - 5 other S commanders
    - 1,5k free magazines

    * The account is main infantry, the S-walkers work as leadership banks

    ◽EQUIPAMENTS (most relevant ones)

    - Devastation lvl 20
    - Eye of Abyss lvl 20
    - Mini Death Star lvl 15
    - Talmus Booster 10 lvl 15
    - Talmus Booster 3 lvl 13

    - Apocalyptor lvl 20
    - 2x Skywalker (lvl 15 and lvl 13)
    - Destruction lvl 13
    - Eternal Barrier lvl 13
    - 2x Dragon Slayer lvl 10
    - 2x Dirge lvl 10
    - 3x Soul Eater lvl 10
    - 6x Thunder

    - 2x Black Knight (lvl 20 and lvl 13)
    - Void lvl 20
    - Body of Phoenix lvl 13
    - 2x Chelydra lvl 10

    - Nix'za lvl 20
    - Magiwell lvl 16
    - 2x Gale lvl 10
    - Lighthing Bolt lvl 10


    - 7x B Intellibot (up to lvl 30 gear)
    - 1x A Intellibot (up to lvl 25 gear)
    - 1x Vintage Machine I
    - 13k Shadow Matter
    - 2,2k Unlimited Crystal
    - 240x Super Equipment Chests
    - 1x Domestication Potion
    - 1,5k magazines

    I have invested about $1100,00 in this account (plus time), but I accept half of this.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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