Selling AriesMS Mesos

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Jayooni, 12/7/18.

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  1. Jayooni

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    Recently, I quit Aries, resulting in me selling my IGN to @Lonephenix . As a result, I also want to get rid of mesos and NX I have leftover.

    $0.80 per 1 billion mesos | $0.80 per 1 million NX
    Stock: ~120 billion mesos | ~80 million NX

    Yes, my rate is lower than other sellers. The reason behind that is because I don't mind selling the rest of my funds at a lower rate since I'm quitting. No, I don't have any vouchers as a seller other than...​
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