Selling  South America  ARIESMS 95k dex / Genesys wepon and Mule acc

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by xafudifornio, 9/24/24.

  1. xafudifornio

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    1- Main Account - Wind Archer lvl 290.

    * 91k DEX / with 9k att ( its this insane proportion dex/att , to hard to get (most people with 90k have 7k- )) and for those who know, att is more important than dex.

    * Paragon 62 on its way to 70.

    *7k+ legion (I'm blocked because I don't have more than 42 slots, but it already has 39 As soon as you get 42 it goes to more than 8k instantly, as there are already characters upgraded for that)

    * ARC full // SAC almost 400

    * Lots of resources on the account, Mesos, NX, Coins, Stones, ST, MF among many others.

    * GENESYS WEAPON // anyone who knows, knows how difficult it is to get this weapon, 9 weeks of quest (I'm on the last one but I'm going to hand over the bill with the FULL weapon , all perfectly crafted)

    *The account does all Hard bosses solo (Hlotus - Hvhilla) easy . (after genesy u can try for sure Hserien to get your Mitras xD)

    *Several rare NX sets/items, (The main uses a Jester Weapon)

    * I will post DIscrod at the end so you can get in touch to negotiate and see the prints you want.

    2- Mule account 9K Legion Main Marksman lvl 276

    * this account has several 250+ characters, it is an account that was inherited from a very old friend who no longer plays.
    I'm selling it together in the package, I use it as a second account to get more Rewards account, being charged by my main,
    but it will be useful for a lot of things, because it is a very strong account in legion and level.

    NOTE: This account has resources but no items in it, it has items from NX olds, rare chairs, some resources, but no teams.
    Price: i can take 850 USD for 2 acc - i just accept Paypall
    Ill provide all the information of the account : the email , password , PIC so you have full acesss and can changue everything

    Discord: fulvionft, add to negotiate and so I can explain and show whatever u need , better.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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