Are you going to quit Rumble Fighter? Already had it in mind. Just gotta sell this account so I don't feel compelled to play again. The update only furthered my need to stop playing this game. I wish to follow VicSinz's path. I will defenitley quit if my account gets banned. I'll quit if every good thing turns into astros or the lag gets worse If rf doesn't get any crappier then this and branz gets shot in his sleep then I won't quit If only 1/2 of my requests happen then I won't quit but I won't play often ---------- Post added 07-05-2010 at 04:07 PM ---------- If rf doesn't get any crappier then this and branz gets shot in his sleep then I won't quit If only 1/2 of my requests happen then I won't quit but I won't play often I'm already going to quit as soon as I get enough carat on the account to sell it. Might quit, kind of getting bored of it. o-o and lots of my friends are getting #. D: To be honest I quit this game for a year but it got my attention again when my real life friends started playing so I decided to come back the only reason I quit was my 8 gran account banned for some stupid reason so I just quit since 9k was being B*** idk, i just play rf to god mode and nanmu # like crazy when im bord, just to piss off people, so probably not Im only still playing for updates