ARCHON Powner Mage lv81 for Sell CF gear : all 2xstats bonus lv 5 stones , ewan bracelets 2%cast 2/2 astal+scion / sereno 3%cast 2/2astals lv52 elite headband 29 all stats 6% reduce cast 1/1 scion HH staf 80 5/5 astals bonus elem atack ,dmg 9% reduce cast +12 Pargon , 2x int blode 7&8 res , blode 0/1 ,zuker nek 0/1 , int biglos cloack lv 4,int luke 0/2 600m gold in inventory 4 scions 4 ashtals stones good stats items and a lot of wcp in bag +mail MM request !or you first Bumb sold int luke and 4 scions. Still for sell very cheap 50 euros [ZIAN/ARCHON] WTS SWASH LVL76 FOR 20EUR PAYPAL ( 1 2) 10 EURO PAYPAL It has decent cf gloves, jacket and scabbard. biglos 0/1 glor luke 0/1 union neck, proof of monach, destroyer 2 return orbs 20 resur orbs devil suit release of agreement cc pots 3 serazarans 7 combis 10 hours toa 100% 7 days toa 50% etc America[WTS] --SOLD-- -----CLOSED LF MM or very TRUSTED member ( 1 2) pm if you are MM or trusted ^^ ZIAN[WTB]