want to buy two barom rings on Gaiahon PM me if you can sell wts lvl 60 zerk (eve) So im selling lvl 60 zerkerer for somthing like 250mil i think that is a good price? but we can make deals.... Looking for new seller EVE Im looking for a new seller of for supplies... they include lvl5 ele stones a few kinds of lvl 3 prayer stones unique assecories unique class armour lvl 68+ unique weap lvl 60+ reinforcement pots gold cc depending on how much you sell said items for... will depend on if we will work together... im not a 1 time buyer... i like repeat busisness... if you can meet these prerequsists then please reply to this post... if not... dont I SELL ARCHER 62 AND MAGE 53 PLZ DELETE THIS TOPIC