Well its 1 of the highest Knights ingame. The Knight is much higher then this lvl but for safety i wont write it =) with full Poison and Lightnin. The Knight has also some Uniqs. He is very well Skilled and has no faults. If i can sell it for a good Price i will do this. If not I will keep it ofc! If u think u are intereset we can also talk in for more details pm me ty for your time WTS Bersek lvl 78+ Gaiahon Bersek with good stuf Say your price ! i sell him with paypal only ! WTS SET UNIQUE ZEKER LVL 52 (EVEN) SELL FULL ARMOR LVL 52 ZEKER FOR 150M WTT acc 2moons lvl 127 for acc archlord trade my acc for 2moons acc of the archlord server [BRUMHART] kinght got a lvl 127 with great items including a rare +7 lvl 130 ! want to by an exchange of archlord acc! lvl 5x class: kinght, hunter, bezerck, arch, PM OFFER ..! I really want to change .. I am not fake and do not want much scammrs in archlord acc