Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Server is Brumhart. A sorc shuta toon (30x), red sign toon (15x) and a PvP knight (30x). All three have THE BEST armor (lucky stone lvl 3, quickness lvl 3, fortitude lvl 3, etc...) as well as the sorc has a necklace of survival. Knight can pk up 6 levels (because of his good gear). Over 100mil in bank. Red sign and shuta toon both have lucky charms, and I have about 1k cc. Sorc is built so if you want to move him from toon to PvE, you can. Knight still has a full reset as well as a ToA. Sorc has two return orbs and ToA. Knight has ring of transcendence(2x), one with str lvl 3 stone, primary attributes +7, and one with a stam lvl 3 stone, primary attributes +7. Sorc has ring of transcendence(2x), one with wisdom stone lvl 3, primary attributes +6, one with with an intelligence stone lvl 3, primary attributes +7. The in-game storage has three slots open. I have rare stones, a good amount of reinforcement pots, and armor for a knight (I saved all my armor so when I leveled my toon up, he could just use the armor and weapons from my PvP knight). If you do buy, I'll withdraw from my guilds. Both are good guilds, friendly people, respected. But to make sure you don't get caught account trading, I'll leave them. Start the bids. I accept Paypal. PM or post here. Just because the accounts are low-leveled doesn't mean they suck: I have a unique necklace, rare rings with good stats, and excellent armor with cc and items to help you level. To make sure you get your stuff, I'll give you my phone number. I may be a newb on this forum, but I assure you, I am legit. Edit: I have an offer for just the necklace of survival so far. I'm willing to sell just that if you're not interested in the accounts.

    Wtt Ele lvl 45 and some twinks

    Hi all i want to trade my ele lvl 45 and some twinks lvl 26 and 35+ on Brumhart for Gold on Cyp. The 3 chars are all rdy for farming uniqs have 2 lvl 2 wings (dark and angel wings) and got some money I trade for uniqs too xD when pm when u are interestet


    hi all wtb karkaen neck 0/1 with paypal send me privat message and wtb infiinity no neck

    WTS Gold Coins Gaia

    Hi again. WTS gold coins in gaiahon server, 50 GC = 10 EUR PM me.
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