Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    i wanna sell a lvl 60 mage blode shuta cc on it im trustable evryone of Archon knows me ) Silverst0rm x 94 sorce i wanna sell it for wcoins

    [Gracia] Price check ( 1 2 3)

    47 sorc + pargon + ice top + really good elite armor + spiral ring + ready to farm anything well i wanna know if i should sell this one if so how much its worth thxz

    Europe 2 Evengarda Unique sell

    Okay call it quits for this game. Who knows I might be back later . I've sold stuff on here and receive positive, even though its only once; I will not scam anyone. My character is pretty known in Evengarda and people can vouch for me so don't worry. I don't have any cc so you have to provide the scrolls when we meet for the trade. I want money for the items though. I have verified paypal account and you should too. Thx for looking. But for now I'm selling 1 x Kark/ lvl 4 Lord wings ( yellow see through ones i believe) 2 x Blode/ ashtal 1 x ohkerous/ashtal 1 x lilin/ empty 1 x lvl 78 staff +1 to all skill, 0/5 slot. will also trade for infinity in normal neck any stats if you have. But other than that, no trades for anything. Offer here or through message, I can also get these items on to Gracia if you offer me good enough. Hurry before june 20 though. haha bye guys

    [EU3] -- Price Check --

    Ohkeros with 8% resistance. Can anyone tell me around what price (real money or WC) it is worth? thx
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