Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Heya, I'd want to buy a sorcerer double resistance Kilt. I want it empty, but if it has good stones in it (lvl 4+) it's ok! I pay in scrolls. PM me

    [EU3] WTT 2x Blode for 2x Shuta

    Hello peeps, I don't know if the price is still the same, since I've been kinda inactive the last few weeks, but I'd like to trade 2 of my Blodes for 2 Shutas on the Urzark Server. Blodes have 7% and 8% Resistance Stones in! The Rings are on a different Char, than the one I want the Shutas on, therefore I'm looking for a trusted trader, since we need 2 seperate Trades Ingame then! I'm only trading with trusted People and a MM to look over the trade! (I won't trade with people, that just registered and their first post was just made 5 mins before...) PM me for more infos, or if you have any questions Cheers, May the force be with you, have fun und all this... Anzu

    WTS Best event neck ever [Sylvia] Evengarda/Cyprus!!!! 2/2 ( 1 2 3)

    HI all, I wanna sell my event Necklace! Stats: 8% cooldown / 4% crit / +1 skills infinity wings (lvl 6 wings) / cloak lvl 5 to lazy again for screen :-p i will do it later.

    WTT LVL 72 ARCHER FOR A LVL 60+ ELE (brumhart)

    i want to trade my lvl 72 archer for a lvl 60+ my archer got full cf realm robindole,mars and balakas parts mixed there al stoned and ref potted toon dosnt got any enemy's andn ot many ppl know him i want to trade it for a lvl 60+ ele the ele dosnt need to have anyting on it i prefer ele whit email but whitout mail is good to i onely give mail of archer to if u give me email of ele if u want more info pm me il send u screenshtos then
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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