Archlord Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I can offer 2 scrolls for it, name doesn't really matter. pm me or leave a message

    [Gracia] WTS HH unique Rings/Necks ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

    Glorious Rings - Glo Bellos 0/1 - Glo Yalyuinas 0/2 and 3x 0/1 - Glo Rapid 0/2 and 0/1 - Glo Sentinel 2x 0/1 Necks - Glo Faren 0/1 - Glo Hwardium 0/2 and 0/1 - Glo Ciring Walker 4x 0/1, 1x 0/2, 1x 0/3 - Glo Norgen 0/2 and 0/1 Intelligent Rings - Int Feathered 0/1 - Int Sentinel 0/2 and 0/1 - Int Yalquinas 0/1 Necks - Int Ciring Walker 0/2 - Int Hwardium 0/2 Brilliant Rings - Brill Bellos 0/3, 0/1 - Brill Rapid 2x 0/1 - Brill Feathered 0/1 Necks - Brill Faren 0/3, 0/2, 2x 0/1 - Brill Norgen 0/3, 2x 0/1 - Ciring Walker 0/2, 0/1 Excellent Rings - Excellent Feathered 0/1 SOLD - Excell Bellos 0/1 - Excell Sword Eater 0/1 - Excell Yalyuinas 0/1 Necks - Excellent Norgen 0/3 SOLD - Excellent Faren 0/1 - Excellent Hwardium 2x 0/1 - Excellent Ciring Walker 0/1 The buyer need to provide a scroll, because i dont play on Gracia. I'm just looking for stuff on Sylvia or Wcoins. Feel free to offer


    hi all i want to trade my knight 85 FOR very good kataria HH90 with crit ... Bonjour tout le monde je voudrais echangé mon knight lvl 85 contre un tres bon kataria HH90 avec du crit, stun, dmg, elem dmg, 5slot ou + MP moi si interessé

    {GRACIA} WTB...

    Looking for x2 Glor Feathered 0/2 or 0/3 and x2 Glor Bellos 0/2 or 0/3 and Glor Faren 0/2 or 0/3. Pm me if you have and price.
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