Selling Archer lvl 71 165k br Server: US West...

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elías Canché, 12/18/14.

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  1. Elías Canché

    Elías Canché
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    Archer lvl 71 165k br Server: US West Equipment: -lvl 60 set legendary (less the brooch), with two 2 jewelry lvl 70 (1 legendary) - 28 lvl 9 gems - I have all Sommoned Cards - Soul Engraving lvl 80 - Fate: Brutal Edge lvl 20 and Resistance lvl 6 - Clothing: Hat (lvl 3), Armor (lvl 3), Weapon (lvl 4), Wings (lvl 2) - Epic Dragon soul Other: - Runes: Brutality (lvl 10), Blood (lvl 1), Healing (lvl 6), Guardian (lvl 1), Chaos (lvl 4) nad Amnesia (lvl 3). - Talent lvl 51 (holy lvl 45) - trops lvl 70 - Astrals: 1 red (PATK), 3 yellow, 3 purple and 1 blue - Mount: Stables lvl 8, the stats have as lvl max 225 (+1365 each stat) - Gems shynthesize: PATK (lvl 2-9), HP (lvl 2-9), PDEF-MDEF-CRIT (lvl 2 -lvl 6), BLOCK-CHARM-MATK(lvl 2-4) - Guild skills: Strenght lvl 10, Defense lvl 10, Intellect lvl 4, Charisma lvl 4, Gold Boost lvl 10, Edurance lvl 8 - Shylp: * purple Gaia 1 star lvl 71 (I have 1000 Star sand and 7 Electro Star tear, just 3 more star sand for evolve it), i have 1 equipment for shylp (Darkness of Hades+1), this shylp have 22700 BR * blue iris 1 star lvl 65 (with skill Dance rain), i have two skill scroll for iris, this shylp have 9800 BR * blue apolo 3 star lvl 65, i have 2 skill scroll for apolo, this shylp have 11900 BR
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  2. OP
    Elías Canché

    Elías Canché
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    Server 30-US West
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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