Selling Archeage Alpha account (Non-Archeum)

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    I don't need an Archeum Founder account as I already have a Silver Founder account.

    I just need an account that has alpha access. I don't care what's in it, I will just delete everything in it anyway and start fresh.

    I will pay $20 in paypal.

    I will require a stream showing that you really have Alpha access.

    Repped members only.


    I have one to sell add me on Skype Blazing992

    - - - Updated - - -

    that isn't what you want?

    an account with access to the game?

    I cannot stress this enough, I require an in-game screenshot of my choice or a quick video stream just to prove that it's really an alpha account.

    EDIT: @Kalintz Image says Beta. I need Alpha. It wasn't an in-game screenshot to begin with. Sorry but I can never be too careful.

    no problem, im downloading the game again, just need to find another server because download through launcher takes forever.


    Still looking for a Non-Archeum alpha account.

    I don't care what's in it, everything will be deleted and I will start fresh.

    Paypal $20

    Will need proof that it has alpha access. Lots of scamming potential from people selling their beta accounts.

    High rep members only. TY

    EDIT: Alpha keys are also ok, if there are still some left. lol


    alpha acc=archeum

    u cant get alpha acc without archeum..

    archeum mean acsses to alpha

    Please don't post anything unnecessary especially if you don't know what you're talking about.

    There are 2 types of alpha accounts right now. Those who got Alpha invites and those who bought the Archeum Founder.

    Archeum Founder is bought from Trion for $150.

    Thank you for the free bump though.
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