Selling Aranzeb Elf Archeum Founder Professional Fisher Acc

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zistems, 11/5/15.

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  1. Zistems

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    80 Usd
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    Selling my ArcheAge acc playing since game launch have the top tier of founder packs and active patron time and chars on both servers US and EU to get double labor points and double gold incoming basically i got burned of the game so want to sell my acc to someone who take care of it heres all the info about the acc

    Archeum Founder


    Note: Pls remember that this is the items you got on launch the account have alreay spend the 11.2k credts and daru chests all collectibles are currently availables also the tittles

    Ingame Info:

    Patron Time: Have 2 months of patron time



    Main Char: Main char is a elf lvl 55 with the archemaster tittle thats mean all classes are leveled to 50 heres all the clases and lvl:

    - Vitalism 54
    - Sorcery 55
    - Auramancy 55
    - Occultism 50
    - Witchcraft 55
    - ShadowPlay 54
    - SongCraft 54
    - BattleRage 50
    - Archery 50
    - Defense

    The char have 2 main roles and is geared for those roles magic dps and support healer have a T3 hasla staff and Greatclub also have a full Cloth Heroic GHA set and a Plate Gha set with most of the parts on Arcane also have crafted jewlery for casting speed at rank arcane and the GHA rare drop handle with care lightning necklace

    Special Items:

    - Black Arrow lvl 50 Mount With Krolal cradle and serpentis gear
    - Farm Hauler 6 slot
    - Fishing Boat longliner
    - GHA mana regen mountruous desire scepter
    - Permanent Grifin mount veteran reward
    - 270 Loyalty tokens
    - MoonShadow stealth Glider
    - Founder Glass Phoenix Glider
    - feathered Hope Glider
    - 3K gear Score
    - Mirage Donkey 300 Loyalty cost
    - 2 16 x16 and 1 24x24 gazebo farm desings you must find land
    - Underwater gear scuba
    - Hallowen special costume 1.3k gold value
    - 200 Warrior medals


    - 180K maestro fishing proficency professional fisher char with fishing boat 15 to 35 G per fish really good to make gold

    - 70K mining to replenish vocation badges and lvl classes

    Other Chars: Acc include 4 other chars but not geared 1 is located on EU kyprosa to get double labors and make gold there the ohter 2 are on Aranzeb one low lvl char and one lvl 50 Char

    Account Price:

    - Paypal 80 Usd im covering Paypal Fees i Have verified paypal account with very good feed back you can check here

    -[email protected]

    Interested on the acc want more info or have the game and a char on Aranzeb i can show chars gear etc ingame just contact me via mail to:

    - [email protected]
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  2. OP

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    Also Offering Middleman service payment method for 100 USD

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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