AR 50 Asia server wts

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/nxthryn, 11/19/24.

  1. /u/nxthryn

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    My main acct have to sell it for school (Sorry for the silly name and bio)

    (Ive changed the linked Gmail buyer can change it's password upon payment)

    For sale for 350 or 400 payment gcash only

    No constellations

    • KINICH (full build/no sig/no const/no weapon) • KAZUHA (midbuild/no const/with weapon) • XIANYUN (midbuild/no const/no weapon) • KEQING (midbuild/no const/no weapon) • WANDERER (midbuild/no const/no weapon) • jean (no const/no weapon) • diluc (no const/no weapon) • tighnari (no const/no weapon) • dehya (no const/no weapon)

    # #/nxthryn
    # .
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