hey i'm selling my aqworlds account it's level 20 and has 24600 ac coins and is member 1 year i'm sick of playing it and i'm bored of it so if you want to buy it contact me at ***************************************************** and the price because of the coins will be 60USD VIA Paypal I WIill Trade you a lvl 35 DF DA account has many DC items in pack and a lvl 12 MQ SC account is that sufficient? What is the name of the account and when does the Sub last too? omg $60?! Thats a GOOD price! (But im not buying it.) how about an aq guardian lvl 51? what if i give u a star captain and a df warlic class acc will u give it 2 me Artix added 2 Minutes and 40 Seconds later... if u dont belife me on the warlic class acc u can c it on ur own here the link ***************************************************** and the starcaptain ill work on it later WILL TRADE LVL 34 RUNESCAPE NN MEMBER ACCOUNT. NEAR FULL FRIENDS LIST GREAT WEAPONS AND ARMOR 43K IN BANK AND SOME GOODIES IN THE GRAND EXCHANGE BOX. COMPLETED 7 QUESTS AND ZEZIMA IS IN FRIENDS LIST. if intersted contact me email: jameshart96@gmail or pm me on . what I want for the rs account: at least lvl 30 AQ guardian account with decent weapons and armor and +10,000 coins and/or Z-tokens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do u still havve the AQW Account? if u do pls reply in my Email Email: ***************************************************** Thx i may give u an account for Cabal Us or a Cabal Account in EliteCabal Lv.131 Blader And Force Blader Lv130 with Mega Armor and Equips that are hard to get.!!!! with a bil.Also in Item Shop u can buy stuff with my points dont care..... If not a cabal Accounts How About a DF Amulet Account Lv50 Warrior With All the best items with a whole bucket of money Character Page is ***************************************************** Pretty Decent i think If not then lets talk in email!!!!!!1 Can i bid 1 dollar? You know, he said he wants to SELL the game, not trade it...... Yea but just trying...