Selling AQW account,full of really old high value rares...

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 9/8/15.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    AQW account,full of really old high value rares [Shadow reaper of doom] * account - warrior * VERY RARE - - IMPOSSIBLE TO GET , This may apply to loads of other weapons or items which are rare as **,but i don't know,haven't played this game in A WHILE. * The level is 31 since before that was the max level cap i think,has 300k gold and 1k ac,not much,not low either,again i dont play much right now. * rare,impossible to get classes,always nice to have a rare name near it - * There are so many items that look really good and are really old rares,you can google the looks of em. * paypal only, if intrested here is my steam - id/AminoMax * Offer any price,intrested in cs go items.
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