Appraisal: Method for unlimited refunding

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by rileygdev, 8/31/17.

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  1. rileygdev

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    Hey, just wondering what some of your opinions are on what this might be worth if I were to write a guide.
    Before you call bullshit because I've got very little activity on this forum, I assure you I've been around a long time and this method has been in formation for the past 5 years. It's finally perfect with one very big change recently. I want to keep it private, but I personally can't do the method 24/7 because I work full time.

    Anyway, basically the method / guide would allow you to start your own private business, it solves the address / billing issue for multiple refunds, and works on any store listed on the marketplace threads.
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