Apple Refunding Service Tutorial | Free Help! | In App Purchases.

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BluredLie, 12/14/16.

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  1. BluredLie

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    Hello playerup.​

    Im here today to help you guys get a refund on in app purchases, keep in mind you can only do this around 10 times on one account, or else apple will get fishy.

    what you are going to need to do is buy the in app purchase that you want.. use it, im going to give clash of clans as an example, buy as much crap as you can with the purchase that you made.

    next step is to go to apple live chat support (you will need some sort of SE skill, not major tho) this method is very easy. here is the link to apple support: click on "apps & software" then "ios apps" then "appstore, itunes store & music" then select "how to recover missing purchased items" now select "live chat"

    Apple is very, very stupid and they do not really care, as long as you are very nice then they will be nice back, (its their job keks) put in all the info that you have in your apple account and wait for a staff support to message you, takes around 2 minutes

    tell them hello and ask them how their day has been, act very nice and remember to use punctuation, after yous both stop talking love dover, after they ask what the problem is, tell them that you made a purchase on in in ap purchase inside of the game that you bought an item in, tell them you didnt receive the item and that you have already contacted Clash of Clans, tell them that they havnt responded, they will probably link you to the clash of clans support any way to make sure that you contacted the right email, confirm to them that you have tried to get a hold of them and tell them that you have not received a reply

    they may or may not give a you a lecture, apple is quite simple, just follow the next steps that they tell you..

    they dont really do much more, i have never EVER failed an apple SE, just remember to not go over board, or apple will get very fishy.

    i hope that i have sort of helped, its basic common knowledge i know but atleast im helping out in some sort of way (besides i was bored as hell)​

    im really looking at this post and seeing how useless it really is, oh well, maybe some of you will advantage off of this.​
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