Apple Refund with Fedex

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Damnitpatrick, 8/12/17.

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  1. Damnitpatrick

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    I saw a post on here that was pretty similar to mine. I refunded a Google Pixel but then a couple weeks after, FedEx came knocking at my door asking for the damaged item but I didn't have the item for them. I wasn't told to give back a damaged item or anything of that nature during the process. This was actually a misunderstanding in the reps communication apparently. I just said "Idk what item" and then they were just like ok and left then never came back. I had just got a macbook from the apple store delivered to a friend's house in my name (Friend signed for it in his name). It's the same zip code but like 8 minutes out. I don't know if this would be a problem with the refund? Should I be ok refunding it? Different store, payment method, and address. I also got a small chromecast delivered to my actual address from the google store like 2 weeks ago. Legit, no refund or anything I just bought one. This was Fedex too (Not sure if me ordering legit and FedEx having a successful delivery since then would make a difference) I feel like I'd be fine but just wanted to make sure
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