Apple refund mess, need to take action, looking for help

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Ion, 8/18/17.

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  1. Ion

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    I'm a personal refunder, but don't really like doing big orders solo so I used one for my Apple refund.

    He/she used empty box, but they closed the investigation, and now they will not reopen and will not refund.

    What are my options? They said to contact the credit card company to get money back if I really have a problem but that sounds horrible.

    From what I see my options are:

    1. Return the Laptop (Is this risky?)
    2. Call cc company? (sounds WAY too risky)
    3. Try and call again (did this 1 once a day for the past 2 weeks so luck)

    I really, really need the money back somehow, IDGAF if I have the laptop.

    The refunder went "on vacation" and won't respond, not mentioning who it is because I don't want to throw them under the bus yet in case they are actually just not at their laptop.

    Thanks homies.
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